Every product manager is on a quest to harness the power of data products. Why? Because data is the new gold mine, and the margins it offers are nothing short of spectacular. The value it brings to end users is undeniable. However, not all data products are created equal. The ones that truly shine are those that not only provide insights but do so in a way that's actionable, contextual, and even prescriptive. These are the real game-changers, far surpassing those that merely churn out aggregate metrics or offer diagnostic insights. Creating these invaluable data products isn't a one-and-done deal. It's an iterative journey involving rapid development and continuous refinement. Yet, it's also a labor-intensive and painstaking process, often carried out manually. At Dataception , we've embarked on a mission to empower product teams in crafting exceptional data products through embedded analytics. Enter Dataception BRIM, the comprehensive toolkit that equips advanced d...