In the realm of movies and fictional suspense stories, the turning points that captivate audiences often occur when the hero or detective discovers a crucial, yet previously overlooked, piece of information from the available data. Despite its obvious presence, it takes a protagonist with a unique perspective or approach to uncover the solution. These moments lead to enchanting climaxes that leave us in awe. Surprisingly, many real-life business owners seem to operate their businesses like works of fiction, with suspense and uncertainties lingering despite the abundance of available data. The human mind, although remarkable, possesses inherent limitations. It can only process information to a certain extent, and numerous roadblocks such as emotions, egos, ignorance, incompetence, anxiety, urgency, rules, favoritism, relationships, and status hinder effective decision-making. To overcome these challenges, we must find a sustainable solution. Enter Dataception , a data processing compa...