Can Augmented Data Discovery Make a Difference in My Organization?
There are so many new terms in the business intelligence and advanced analytics domain. So, what is augmented data discovery, and why is it important for your enterprise? Augmented Data Discovery (aka Smart Data Discovery), takes the enterprise beyond data monitoring and helps users discover the more subtle yet crucial factors that affect business success. It identifies hidden issues and patterns within the data so the organization can address challenges, capitalize on competitive and market advantages and plan for the future with more confidence. There are a couple of components to the augmented data discovery continuum.
First, there is Augmented Data Preparation This process helps users access data integrated from varied data repositories and sources in a single interface, so they can test theories and hypotheses. These tools give users access to crucial data and Information and connect to data sources, including personal, external, Cloud, and IT provisioned data, to mash-up and integrate data. The right augmented data discovery solution provides tools like auto-suggested relationships, JOINs, type casts, hierarchies and clean, reduce and clarify data with integrated statistical algorithms like binning, clustering and regression for noise reduction and identification of trends and patterns.
The second component of Augmented Data Discovery is Augmented Analytics. This process automates data insight by utilizing Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing and automates data preparation so users can share crucial data and make decisions. With an advanced augmented data discovery solution, the organization can share, manipulate and present data with clear results and access to sophisticated tools. These tools ensure that the organization makes decisions based on fact rather than opinion.
If you want to know what makes augmented data discovery so important, it is quite simple, actually. With Augmented Data Discovery, the organization can notate and highlight data, share data with other users and most importantly, the enterprise can identify critical ‘ah hah’ data points and information hidden within the data to accurately plan, forecast and solve problems. These tools provide support, suggesting relationships, identifying patterns, suggesting visualization techniques and formats, highlighting trends and patterns and helping users and organizations to forecast and predict results. This enables the enterprise to manage data overload and overwhelming workload, and to provide important information and answers to every team member with sophisticated tools in an easy-to-use, drag and drop interface, which requires no advanced skill or knowledge of statistical analysis, algorithms or techniques.
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